
OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAMosman chapter was formed following a community meeting attended by over 200 in the Mosman Community Centre hosted by Mosman mayor Denise Wilton. Speakers at the meeting included Matthew Nott, Derek Povel, Philippa Rowland and Warren Yates

The Mosman Chapter met monthly from January 2007 until September 2012 and undertook many projects starting by partnering with the Nature Conservation Foundation to promote the Mosman Climate Challenge which ran over a six month period in 2007.

One of our members was elected to Mosman Council in 2008. Working with Mosman Council and the CEFE SE Solar Farm team the group developed an application for a $1 million grant under the Green Precincts project the Mosman component of which was a storm water irrigation system for the Balmoral foreshore grasslands. Although the application was not successful Mosman Council did go ahead with a major solar PV installation on the roof of its indoor sports centre.

Being in Sydney the group has been able to be the voice of CEFE when various government agencies have held enquiries, for example on the feed-in tariff and and electricity pricing generally. The group promoted participation in CSIRO’s 6 session kitchen table discussion program on Climate Change. Members of the group were instrumental in setting up Mosman Community Garden, in writing guides for a set of foreshore walks around Mosman, and for promoting the work of Beyond Zero Emissions.

We have collaborated with other local groups and the environmental team at Mosman Council to put on awareness raising activities such a film nights, political campaigns on specific issues  and stalls at festivals

Since 2012 the group has met annually to celebrate achievements and give each other support for our ongoing actions towards a more sustainable planet.

Here is  a video from the Mosman Climate Challenge launch

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