On 8 August 07, a public meeting was held at the Monaro High School in Cooma, to discuss climate change, and a strategic approach to facing the challenges that it will bring.
The meeting was organised by the Cooma Clean Energy for Eternity group. 200 people in the audience listened to a range of talks from students, scientists and local Clean Energy For Eternity groups from Cooma and Jindabyne. The Bega Clean Energy For Eternity group presented a panel discussion on ways we can respond positively to climate change, and reduce our CO2 emissions. Narelle Davis chaired the meeting and REAL Monaro were represented in the panel discussion by James Litchfield. The mood was one of optimism.
CEFE feel that climate change is such a serious threat that it demands individual, community and political action. Ways in which we can change our attitudes towards energy consumption were discussed, and renewable energy was seen as by far the quickest way to reduce our dependence on fossil fuels.
The focus of the CEFE discussion was how being proactive about climate change could allow SE NSW to tap into enormous opportunity. Setting ourselves up as a centre of excellence for renewable energy and energy conservation would allow us to attract business, jobs and tourists to our region, at a time when it would be most needed. A motion from the floor calling for a community target of 50/50 by 2020 was passed by an overwhelming majority. Two people voted against the motion.
It is clear that a desire to tackle climate change is uniting communities across SE NSW.
Other shires that have now agreed to these targets include the Bega Valley, Eurobodalla, and Snowy River. The three councils in these regions have voted to adopt the 50/50 by 2020 target. The Cooma-Monaro Shire council will be deciding on Monday whether or not to support the target.
Clean Energy For Eternity believe that the 50/50 by 2020 target is challenging but achievable. This is the sort of target that we must strive for if we are going to limit the impact of climate change to a manageable level. Now that we have decided where we need to get to, we must decide how we are to get there. Over the next couple of weeks, a working group will be set up in Cooma-Monaro to come up with a strategic approach to meeting the target.
50/50 by 2020 is a 50% reduction in the consumption of energy, and a 50% production of energy from renewable sources, by the year 2020.
After a long haul, the Nimmitabel primary school wind turbine gets erected.
Cooma-Monaro shire council adopts 50/50 by 2020 target April 09
Snowy Mountain Highway, at the bottom of the Brown Mountain
A mysterious water tank, somewhere in the Cooma-Monaro Shire appeared in 2009. 50/50 by 2020 is all about attracting renewable energy business to our part of the world. I guess not everyone agrees that that is a good thing, as evidenced by the next slide. The sign has now been painted over to hide 50/50 by 2020.
Survey to councillor candidates Website_survey_results
The gallery below shows some of our early days activities. Click on any image to enlarge.