Bermagui (early days)

Inspired by Dr Matthew Nott and his colleagues, particularly after helping with the Lifesaving Energy human sign on Broulee Beach in April 2007:

Started in Bermagui in June 2007 by Prue Kelly and Bill Southwood with a public meeting to launch CEFE’s National 50/50 by 2020 Campaign.

Overwhelming acceptance by 350 attendees at that meeting has spread to all sectors of our community with businesses and residents taking steps to combat climate change in the many small/achievable ways each of us can handle to make a difference.

Invited Quaama, Cobargo, Central Tilba and Bermagui Primary Schools to participate in CEFE’s highly successful Schools’ Human Signs program and co-ordinated the area flyover on July 29 2007.

Our next project, fully approved by Bega Valley Shire Council and endorsed by the Bermagui community, was the 50/50 by 2020 logo professionally painted on the Bermagui Water Tower. This was the first in the Shire and indeed Australia, others followed in three other shires.

Since those early days we have been instrumental in getting a lot of solar PV installed in Bermagui through fund raising events like big swims and our fashion show and via the very successful Shine On bulk buy scheme where for every 30 installations on homes, Pyramid Power did an installation for free on a community building.  We have also provided an advisory service to assist households target the biggest contributors to their electricity bills.

The gallery below shows some of our early days activities. Click on any image to enlarge.