Tathra’s school hall was packed on Tuesday February 19 for a meeting hosted by CEFE President and Tathra resident Dr Matthew Nott to examine the feasibility and impact of 100% renewable energy for Tathra, the Bega valley and Eden Monaro and to learn how the target could be achieved. Guest speakers included BVSC Mayor Kristie McBain, former Liberal leader Dr John Hewson, Professor Andrew Blakers from ANU’s Centre for Sustainable Energy, and Martin Poole CEO of Epuron, a company that has been instrumental in rolling out wind and solar farms across the country. The tone of the meeting was one of great optimism, with the unstoppable growing competitiveness of renewable energy coupled with people power making the 100% by 2030 entirely achievable. The meeting got a sneak preview of CEFE’s most ambitious ever human sign project – communities across Australia spelling out RENEWABLE ENERGY NOW; MAKE THE SWITCH NOW; 100% RENEWABLES…IMAGINE. The 3 minute video is expected to go viral on social media once it is launched as part of an upcoming ABC Four Corners program. The meeting also heard from a number of the candidates for the upcoming State and Federal elections.
At the conclusion of the meeting a resolution that Tathra adopts the target of 100% Renewable Energy by 2030, and that the Tathra water tower sign be updated with this sign was passed unanimously.
9.30 on Sunday February 24
Sign writer Gavin Martin (who donated his services) and CEFE’s Prue Kelly with the sign completed