We have an impressive record of initiatives – resulting in dozens of solar panel installations on community buildings across the South East of NSW!
Our focus is action…rather than waiting for politicians to appreciate the significance of the climate crisis on our community!
We’ve organised town meetings, had councils endorse our aspirational 50/50 by 2020 target, challenged skeptics in debate, been present at renewable energy expos and been successful in receiving grants from various government agencies to pioneer innovative approaches to growing the community energy sector. You can read about all these initiatives here, either via the timeline, or clicking on the links below for specific activity types

Tathra Enduro 2015
Two full days of perfect weather and perfect competition conditions as a record 493 riders aged between five and 70 years old took to Tathra’s pristine tracks the fifth Tathra Enduro.
Saturday’s racing was all about friendly competition with the three kilometre Bega Cheese Children’s Chase followed by the Lap-It-Up five, 10 and 20 kilometre single track events.

Big swim series
Our LifeSaving Energy Big Swim series ran from Feb 2008 until March 2012. The swims were designed to raise money for local community groups. Solar panels and wind turbines have been put on surf clubs, churches, Rural Fire Stations and primary schools.
The swims were not races, but challenge entrants to swim an endurance event through the beautiful country-side of SE NSW.

Rock on for Kiah
The festival was a big success this Saturday, June 26, 2022. Sufficient funds have now been raised from various sources including Rock on 4 Kiah to pay for the solar and battery installation at Kiah RFS. Installation will be happening in the next few weeks. Our Kiah band line-up included Triply, Surg, The Hops & Heath Marshall.

The future of electricity distribution
Another community information event presented by Essential Energy & Clean Energy for Eternity.
Josh Harvey, Head of Corporate Strategy, Regulation & Corporate Affairs addressed the crowd at Tathra Hotel on Wednesday 29th June at 7pm…