BVSC Climate Emergency

Both councils where CEFE is active (Bega Valley Shire Council and Northern Beaches Council have now passed Climate Emergency resolutions. CEFE members were present in the chamber on both occasions and spoke in favour of the resolution with some passion. Both councils have also signed up the the Climate Councils’ City Power Partnership Program and both are now developing climate strategies and action plans.

The Climate Emergency resolution will be one of the topics discusses at a community forum organised by the Bermagui Chapter of CEFE next Monday 14 October at the Community Centre in Bunga St from 5.30 pm to 7 pm

Other topics of relevance to residents of Bermagui and surrounding areas that will be covered are:
The all –inclusive playground
Councils’ swimming pool strategy
Possible variation to annual rates
plus much more!

Special guest speaker – Councillor Jo Dodds